Being sure about success and succeeding in anything is like trying to look into the future, you just can’t predict anything about it. But it is always coming at you, everyday, every minute. Better, if you really want to be sure that you will succeed at anything you do you must look inside of yourself […]
Archives for June 2019
How to Write without Fear of Writer’s Block
Sean P. Durham There is a lot of advice written about writing. Often this advice is directed at beginner writers who are afraid of becoming overwhelmed by writer’s block and the imagined magnitude of having to write a novel, or a long story.Some beginner writers go for the short story and believe that it will […]
How to Overcome the Fear of Criticism
Winston Churchill had lots of critics. He didn’t allow the fear of criticism to hold him back. “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” ― Winston Churchill Fear of criticism dogs us all. It’s the most human of fears, and we spend so much energy doing battle with the […]
Transform Your Life: The Ultimate Method to Go from Zero to Hero
Self Development is a natural process that all humans go through — throughout life. We cannot stop learning about our world, and ourselves. Transform Your Life: The Ultimate Method to Go from Zero to Hero Most importantly we must make decisions about the things we learn about and put to use in our own lives. This is how […]
Starting a Small Business over 50 years old
Are you too old to begin a New Venture? Starting out with a new idea in business — starting a small business at 50 plus of age, can seem like a wild ass idea to some baby-Boomers. But Steve Siebold, the author of “How Rich People Think”, has a different take on being older, wiser and ready for […]
A Proven Secret to Keep Focused on your Dreams
We all look for the secret to be able to build focus that enlivens our dream. Often, it ends up complicated, but there is a proven secret to keep focused and allow our dreams to materialise in life. I know how you feel, having goals, working on them, and then discovering that something gets in […]