Iris Murdoch said that good art, whatever its style, has the qualities of hardness, firmness, detachment, realism, clarity, justice, and truth. She also went on to mention that the above can only be the product of a mind that is free, unfettered, with an uncorrupted imagination. In all, that’s one statement. Often, when we look at […]
Archives for May 2022
How Your Fictional Story Ideas Always Come with a Dark Horse
Characters always have something to say. You just have to keep your ears open. A story can be a sweet thing that grows in the mind. It becomes colourful, and active. If you ignore the work of actual writing, it’ll become a nagging beast that will finally start to bite and nip at your heels. It’s […]
Street Photography in Spring Time, Motorcycles and Sunday People
If it’s warm outside, and the shadows are cool and jaggered, then I have to grab my camera, and stroll out into the city streets. Spring is here. The irresistible streets of Berlin where crowds flow along, jam and stop-start every few seconds. People strolling, cars edging at slow speeds. Along Friedrichstrasse, the main street […]