Taking street photography shots is very much about wandering through neighbourhoods, keeping an eye open for promising compositions. This can be groups of people who are involved in an action that creates high interest, or a single person juxtaposed against a building that reflects light and shadows. This can be groups of people who are […]
Archives for August 2024
How to Do Street Photography in Berlin 2024 Late Summer
Sometimes, life gets too busy , so I simply grab the camera and hit the road to do some street photography. How to Do Street Photography last Saturday, late afternoon, I did just that. I headed out into the mean sweet streets of Berlin – a bright sunny day, tourists still swarming, and lots of […]
The Fine Art of Urban Street Photography and Colour Composition
All artists are inspired by something or someone, but it’s not always important to know why we are inspired. Urban Street photography As a Fine Art Urban Street Photography myself, I’m always working towards making fine art out of street motifs that rise and fall in the streets of Berlin. I do look for subjects, […]