If you want to change the outcomes that you experience in everyday life to more positive and useful outcomes, then getting a grip on what happens in your thinking is the first and foremost step you need to take.
And, you should take this step seriously as the first solid groundwork of big change in your life.
The book, by Dr. James Doty, “Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything” is the best place to start.

Awareness of Actions and Thoughts
When you can control the focus of attention in your subjective world, you can choose what you think and what you do.
With this, you can change your actions and your material and spiritual outcomes in life.
Belief controls how we act. But the self-determined act that is carried out without hesitation or reservation, is a powerful act that changes our inner world from a conflicting inner world to a focussed and powerful world of manifesting things that are healthy and wealthy for us.
Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything gives us clarity about how are brain is designed to help us achieve our goals. These goals must be clear. When we utilze the information that we have to ensure that our determining goals and needs – whatever they may be – become embedded into our unconscious it will activate our positive tasking nervous system to motivate us to achieve these goals: to manifest our dreams and desires as we see them in our deeper selves.
When you live as a subject of your environment, then you will be a vitim of every whim and fancy that passes you. If you lern to focus on your own voice, your own thoughts, and you develop goals that will change yoiur life to a positive set of outcomes, you wil then experience the power of your mind.
The human mind is a powerful instrument that has a omplex nervous systems. We must understand them to use them effetively. Dr. Jaes Doty gives us a clear and much needed pathy to do powerful change work on ourselves. We an use everything in his book as a guiding principle to develop our lives into a rewarding and exciting adventure.
This book helps us to clarify our ideas about how to vercome doubt, how to set realisti goals, how to think bigger about what we deserve in life. It speaks to the heart and is written from the heart.
When I read it, it didn’t take long before I realised a note book next to my reading chair was a good idea.
I’m still working on everything I have learned from this book. That’s why I can recommend it highly as a realistic look into your own mind and it’s ability to create massive changes in your life for the better.
When we engage with our beliefs while thinking and with actions, we become critical thinkers. It’s important to have well practised techniques to control how we think about the useful and needed ideas that lead to better lives.
Understanding that if we can imagine it, see that it is logical in our worlds, and that it has probably been done before – regardless of how big and ambituos it seems – then we can believe that it is possible to manifest it through actions and constant application of our attention onto the object we desire.
The more time and energy we spend on our positive outcomes and oals, the better we beome at pushing away and ignoring the doubts and nagging thoughts in our minds. We learn to let go, to not listen, to reognise the imposter of doubt before it sets itself into our thoughts.
There are certain cognitive networks in your brain and they work together to make us who we are. But there are certain aspects of the cognitive network that are designed to work together in order to maximise your ability to manifest.
If you want change in your life. To experience a new lease on how you function in achieveing your goals and aspirations, this book by Dr. James Doty, Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything, is a book you shouldn’t miss out on.
Don’t let the internet swallow it up before you get the chance to buy it and read it. You’ll know what I mean when you buy it and read it.
Video t Wath : Beliefs and Values for Stronger Self confidence in Life