I was out and about in the today doing Berlin Urban Street Photography. Camera in hand, sun low in the sky. Looking for colours, walking, crowds and inividual figures populating the streets. I decided that I wanted to find a composition with strong colour, and create a focal point that would serve as a well […]
How Changing Your Outlook Creates Mind Magic
If you want to change the outcomes that you experience in everyday life to more positive and useful outcomes, then getting a grip on what happens in your thinking is the first and foremost step you need to take. And, you should take this step seriously as the first solid groundwork of big change in […]
Discover Berlin through Street Photography: Tips and Tricks
Berlin Street Photography offers great opportunity to challenge yourself as an urban street photographer
How to Do Street Photography & How Do We Know When We are Doing it Right?
Taking street photography shots is very much about wandering through neighbourhoods, keeping an eye open for promising compositions. This can be groups of people who are involved in an action that creates high interest, or a single person juxtaposed against a building that reflects light and shadows. This can be groups of people who are […]