Finding Success as a blogger is the same as working at and being successful at most anything in life. It is worth it, and the question Is Blogging for Success Dead? If you search the internet for reasons and ideas about blogging, you will be faced with not only stories of successful bloggers, but ideas […]
Archives for January 2020
The Dream Reality of Your Mind
The ability to dream about our future is a powerful resource which creates inspiration and gives us energy. How to Dream Sit and focus on your dreams, dreams that you want to turn into reality. As you see them, feel them and hold them visually in your mind. You’ll sense the energy building up and […]
How to Convert a Dream into Reality
A dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work — Colin Powell Dreams are the stuff of Life, without a strong, powerful dream to drive you, life becomes a mess of frustration and confusion. Action is the stuff of achievement. Actions neutralize frustration — it’s that simple. It takes courage […]
Why Reading is Important to Your Happiness
Something magical happens with each book that we begin to read. I’ve purchased a lot of books over the years. I’m one of these people who has to have a clear out every so often, get rid of the bestsellers that are one time reads, and reshuffle the rows of books that I can’t let go […]
Which Skills should a Writer Learn —Apart from Writing?
Successful fiction and article writing requires a universal mind. Over the years I’ve developed multi interests in what’s going on in the World. Be Open Minded — Like a Sponge Apart from learning how to develop characters, understand where the story really comes from when writing, I read a lot about everything — and I […]
The Successful Journey of Being Yourself
Success as a Writer is a Journey of the Finding Self , not the Goal. Many people fail to recognize the true nature of success because of faulty thinking and lack of self confidence about themselves. Self confidence that leads to successful living in business and personal life is achieved by accepting who we are […]