Tips on Urban photography is a creative process. Learning about what you see helps you to get better at taking urban photographs. Here are my ideas and 10 tips that will help you improve your Urban Photography. Urban photography can be anything from street photography, architectural photography, or city landscapes such as a mixture of […]
Archives for July 2021
How to Start as a Beginner Photographer
Starting off as a beginner photographer is firstly about finding your inspiration. But don’t think I mean the wishy washy ideas of waiting for good ideas to turn up out of nowhere. A beginning in photography requires that you put your mind to it, and show yourself that you are determined to make something good […]
How to take Black and White Digital Photographs
Black and white photography possesses a certain aesthetic that expresses a lot of power and strength in a simple photo. That’s why it’s worth your while to at least give it a look-in, and experiment a little. Many photographers look up to Anselm Adams as the master of black and white photography. He was a […]
Why I Write about What I Fear
We all experience life at different levels of consciousness, but we all need the same basic things in life; food, shelter, health, love — that’s it. We make it complicated. Creativity is the central aspect of being human. Without it, a person experiences a poor life. The soul wanes into the darkness, and can no […]
Why Psychogeography Keeps Your Mind Sharp
If you’ve never heard of psychogeography before, I’m not surprised. It’s a personal practice for most people, and they do it out of curiosity. The practice of psychogeography has been around since 1955, when Guy Debord and the Situationist Philosophy movement began to experiment with walking through the streets of Paris. As they wandered aimlessly […]
A Berlin Wedding Photo of Father and Son
Weddings are a nervous day, for everybody. Those two who stand at their altar, bound by love and fresh commitment to unify their hearts for evermore, are the constant centre of attention throughout the day. In this modern age, mobile phones and cameras are a constant companion to every wedding guest. The temptation to snap […]