“Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality.” — Brian Tracy Self-empowerment through Creative Powers Successful people always feel that they are in control of their lives. They follow a plan that they know will lead to successful outcomes. But, they don’t use force to make themselves do things that they don’t really want to do, […]
Archives for May 2020
How to Create and Write a Great Blog
Blogging is all about writing. Great Blog Posts are about Crystal Clear Thinking Starting a Blog is the easiest and fastest way to begin in an online business. Setting up your blog so that you can start writing blog posts is a simple procedure, so if you don’t have a blog yet, don’t worry you […]
Why You don’t need to use Photoshop as a Street Photographer
Street photography is an intriguing and beguiling practice. Everytime I go out to take street photos, I leave the house with a different attitude, or emotional feeling about what I’m about to do. This can be a little stressful, or it can be a full-on hopeful attitude of, “today, I’m gonna get a great shot.” […]
Spring Time in Berlin 2020
Berlin 2020, Spring is here and the days are getting longer. unfortunately, Berliners are a bit dubious about how to enjoy the improving weather and the, in recent days, ever more crowded streets of their local neighbourhood. Leaving Home on a Sunny Day It’s warming up and people want to get out of their homes. […]
Walking in Berlin as Adventure
Walking around Berlin is like going on a tour of your own feelings. Whatever the prominent emotion was when you left home, becomes the leading thought as you wander through the streets of Berlin. Unless something grabs your attention and turns it upside down. Surprises along the Hedgrows Have you ever walked into a courtyard, […]
Walking Around in Berlin during the Coronavirus Time
At the best of times, Berlin is a fun city to walk around in and enjoy the sights. Those sights are partly the modernisation of the city, and the other part is the remnants of history. Many Berliners who have lived here for most of their lives have a personal history that is reflected along […]