Blogging is all about writing. Great Blog Posts are about Crystal Clear Thinking
Starting a Blog is the easiest and fastest way to begin in an online business.
Setting up your blog so that you can start writing blog posts is a simple procedure, so if you don’t have a blog yet, don’t worry you can find out more about the basics of set up here.
Every photographer, freelance business person, and service provider needs a blog to promote their business.
You may view your photography business as an artistic pursuit, or as a business venture that is geared towards building an income, but you need to take blogging seriously in order to grow your business.
You may offer a great service that you know is valuable and appealing to a large audience, but if you fail to tell them about it, they won’t ever know you exist. A blog will serve you as a platform for communication between you and customers.
A blog will give you a platfrom where you can gain exposure and make strong connections with new clients and potential clients. As you learn to build a blog that has a strong theme in its content, it will get picked up by the search engines more and more. Organic traffic is built by creating many types of content that has a lasting value; “evergreen content” includes those informational articles about your service or product. What type of photography you offer, and how you generally approach a new project. If you can tell or show a potential client that you are effecient an serious in your approach you’ll get their attention, you will get them to stay on your blog and read further.
How Often should You Produce New Content?
Daily or weekly content. This includes those types of content pieces that can cover current events, new trends, and high interest subjects that are strongly connected to your business and service.
It’s important that you have a regular update on your blog. Don’t be haphazard about when you write new posts, be regular, once a week is fine so long as it is as close as possible to same day, same time, and always, without fail, you update.
Your readers are real people, the search engines are machines. Both are really important to think about. Write content for people, edit for search engines.
Keep your topics tight and on point, but spread your thoughts around when it comes to subjects, the subcategories of your topic are a goldmine.
That’s the beauty of blogging for money, you have a topic, you stay close to that topic in all that you write about, but you find these lovely strands and threads of ideas to follow; this ensures that you create variety and a broad idea about how to approach the topic.
A subject could be a new type of camera, but the topic could be Podcasting, or photography, it depends where you are coming from. Choose your angles and write with the original proposition in mind all of the time.
Or it could be a new idea in an industry that affects a broad range of business practices. Find connections and write about them with your main topic acting as a hinge to the subject.
It’s worth keeping your eyes and ears open all of the time to develop a feeling for smart content ideas that could give you an angle on something trending. Make connections and get creative about what fits together to write an post that could end up going viral.

Photographers love equipment. New gadgets that are coming onto the market make for great talking points of high interest among photographers.
Think about the amount of content that was written when Sony brought out their new mirrorless cameras – the ones that really worked, that is.
How to Write Viral Posts
Tip: nobody intentionally writes a viral post, they write a post that is on point, hits a trending idea, and fits the wave of interest that is sweeping the web at that time.
Constant content, great ideas, and serious approaches to each piece of content edges you ever closer to the viral content that you hope to create.
If you work on your blog posts with a strong intention behind the subject or topic, you will eventually start to see some of posts going viral. It creates a boost in traffic and increases organic traffic through the search engines. But viral, although wonderful to have, isn’t evergreen content. It is short lived, and can be profitable, it is worth working towards, but keep your eyes on the solidity of good business practice as you build your blog into something special.
Write good content, content that readers want to find on a website that covers your topic. Keep practising the various types of writing.
Writing copy for content is about staying focused on the intention that you have with your blog post. Be certain in your mind about what you want to achieve with the blog post you are writing. Is it designed to sell an object? Is it selling a service. An object is sold on emotional values, a service requires a differnet attitude – nobody seriously signs up to putting time and money into a longer period, a business relationship with you until they have thought about it, discussed it, or had a meeting with you.
Selling Products and Services on Your Blog
If you are selling courses online, then you are selling a product that people can make decisions about. They will weigh things up, think about it, ask themselves questions about how your product, your course or book, helps them improve their own business or lifestyle.
At the end of the day, when they have finished reading your post, they will make a decision based on how good they feel about you and your product. That’s how people buy things.
Services are the same, but people must have strong feeling about who you are, so you need to tell them all about how you operate your service. Make it warm, and close to their thoughts and needs, and they will begin to create a stronger connection in their own mind about who you are. That’s how people decide on a service being offered and carried out. Trust. If they can feel trust towards you through reading your blog, then they will go ahead and buy your service.
Clients are the life blood of any business. A smart business person will set up a blog that tells potential clients exactly who you are, what you can do for them. Your business could be a service, so you must be able to help clients understand your business, second guess their needs when they are deciding on who to go with on their projects.
As a blogger you must learn how to write with a short, succint, and attract language that makes everything crystal clear to your readers.
It takes ten minutes to get a decent blog up and running, your Blog name at the top and to start working on your first blog posts.
Writing a blog post is more or less the same as writing an article for a magazine. It really depends on how far you want to take your skills and hone your writing chops.
Choose a Topic that You Love – and the rest of the world, too
Your blog needs to have a topic that you follow. Something that is of interest to you, but you know will also interest the rest of the world – or at least some of it.
If you love thinking about and talking about lifestyles, then you can break that down into categories and subjects which will always offer new ideas to write about.

Lifestyle Topics
Lifestyle is a big fat topic, probably first coined in the 1920s after social studies that revealed insights into the habits of city dwellers. It can cover entertainment, sports, local communities and their activities, how people live in a city as individuals, or how they deal with living within densely populated communities, mostly strangers, some of them not too friendly. hermits, squatters, robbers burglars, muggers, or do you know of a community where the people live in amazing peacefulness? There must be such an anomaly someplace on the planet.
Don’t Do This
Many people, blog writers, start out writing blog posts by simply tapping at the keyboards to see what comes out. generally their creative juices go into postmodernism mode, and begin to create wild, fantastical thoughts about things that simply aren’t true, or don’t make any sense to the readers.
For the readers, of course, that’s important. As a blogger you must do your best to make sense of the subject that you are writing about. How do you do this?
The Craft of Blogging
Focus on the craft, read about how to write everything; how to write nonfiction, how to write short stories, how to write an essay, and so on. All of the writing disciplines offer every writer something, some morsel, to chew on and ponder. There are a few damned good books that are must haves for every serious blogger – no, not the ones about How to become a Millionaire Blogger, but the ones about writing.
At least get your eyeballs into the pages of a book about nonfiction writing, and then read one or two books about story telling. Learn about structuring a story with scenes, how to characterize people, how much description a reader can take before you send them to La-La land. Get a feel for the words that you write down, and ask yourself dozens of questions about what you have written in your blog posts.
Take Your Time, Check Your Work
When you’ve written a couple of blog posts print them out and read them on paper. Use a red pen to scrawl marks along passages that bother you, you don’t have to know why something bothers you, but if when you read your writing parts of it irritate, or seem clunky to your reading rhythm, then you can fix it by working on it. Look for the flow of ideas, how they develop and build up as you write.
You can present your idea with a simple proposition, and then build on it with statements that contradict or deepen the idea. This creates tension for the reader.
Readers need tension in the blog post to keep them reading. If you can make a reader sit on the edge of their seat, wanting to know more, then you are doing something very right.
When you ruthlessly edit your work, even pieces that you have already published, your brain will be taking secret notes about how to write a blog post. Things happen unconsciously to writers and artists – that’s part of the magic of it all, we love to feel the vibe that comes from a well written blog post, or the sudden enlightenment of discovering a better way to say something. It’s the fun game of writing and blogging.
Reward Yourself with Great Work
Writing a good Blog post is a rewarding experience that comes from hard work, application of mind, focussed attention. It isn’t something that you knock off while sitting on the loo, or watching T.V.
Writing blog posts is about learning to control words, to convey a message to a reader; it doesn’t matter if you call it nonfiction blog writing, copywriting for profit, content writing, or just plain old ramblings from the heart – some type of memoir writing, is probably what we think about well written, heartfelt thoughts about the self.
Some bloggers have built a small empire on the words that express nothing more than how they see and feel about their own small world. Blogging is about communicating with words.
Go for the Original way of expressing Yourself, stay clear of the quick Cliche
So learning how to control the words, to work on avoiding the clichéd expressions that put people to sleep and to find better ways to say something about the world, a product, an idea, than the next blog writer, is the work of a blogger.
Have you ever read a great piece of writing and then afterwards wished you could express your ideas the same way? Well, that’s a good feeling, and it’s always worth finding out who wrote the piece and read some more of their work; that’s a part of the learning process, reading the blog posts of great bloggers.
What Floats Your Boat?
Whatever you think a great blogger is, is up to you. It’s what floats your boat that matters when you decide on how you want to write blog posts that make readers return for more. But you’ll find help by finding and reading really good writers.
The blog posts that you love to read are a clue as to what really turns you on, makes you sing and want more of. It’s a clue to what you like to write about.
I love to read. Books, novels, lots of nonfiction work – both long and short. The Atlantic offers long pieces of writing, you can read them and enjoy, and you will pick up ideas about how to express ideas about subjects that deserve long word counts. Five-Thousand words, is a lot to ask of a reader, but the writers at the Atlantic, and The New Yorker, get readers. One of them has the highest readership in the world for an online magazine. You’d think it was some gossip blog that had the highest readership, The HuffPost, or something, but it’s actually an online blog/platform that generally does a word count of between 3000-5000 words for their subjects.
Stay Alert, Don’t Believe everything You read
So, we don’t have to believe the banter on the web about people not reading anymore. The internet is full of texts that are written and read. Each day millions of pieces are written and posted on blogs, and online magazines.
The truth is, people love to read. And, they do it online.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about what readers want, or if the do actually read, or their habits of skimming articles. If you write blog posts and over time attract a regular two thousand readers that love your stuff, then you’re being successful. You can’t please the whole world, and you won’t ever get the whole world to read your blog posts, you will get a nice crowd of people who love to follow your writing and thinking style.
There is a lot of BS flying around the internet – full stop. I mean BS about everything we want to know about – especially when it comes to money and how to make it, the BS machine is always hard at work churning out articles on how to make a million dollars, overnight, how to turn your passion into big bucks, and how to get your cat to sing and dance for pay at the local market place. So, there’s a lot of bullshit on the farm, and we must be careful not to step in it.
If You want to become a Good Blog Writer – then do this
If you want to become a good blog writer, to learn about how to write damned good posts so that you start to see how readers come back for more, how your blog is attracting traffic all because of your writing, then start thinking for yourself about your subject. Be brave enough to make decisions about what you write, and how you write it, for yourself.
You’ll thank yourself so much after you develop the habit of avoiding looking for confirmation from other writers and readers about whether you’re writing is okay or not. Confirmation comes from legitimate readers who love your work, and as blog writers, we must work hard to find those readers.
Reading about Writing
Read books to nourish your mind about writing techniques that fit your style of writing blog posts, and then you’ll notice how over time, you get better and better, and end up writing a damned good blog post, and then another and so on.
Reading about writing prompts your own thoughts about what’s good, and what’s not useful to you as a blog writer. You can take your own counsel and jimmy your way into the locked rooms, those places in the mind that only hard work opens the door to.
Study the Words, Avoid lists of Rules for Blog Writing
We learn one thing after another. That’s how humans function. Lists of ideas swiped from the internet don’t teach us anything at all about writing blogs, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a tantalizing list of, “The Fifty Things You must do in order to be a Great Blog writer”. None of it will teach you anything about how to put words onto paper.
Find Out and Teach Yourself
You will teach yourself through reiteration, making mistakes and recognising those mistakes, and applying the greatest App in the world to the problem – your brain.
If you compare the blog posts that are listicles on how to write a blog post, and compare the lists with each other, you’ll see that those bloggers have copied the same ideas from some same source on the internet. They aren’t offering knowledge to you, they are leading you down the garden path.
Writers have tried to write great books on writing, some have succeeded and many have ended up being flummoxed by the subject and realised that they can only offer advice on how to approach the problem of getting better at expression, how to write an article, a book, a blog post, or all three wrapped up into one big thing.
Walk the Walk, but take it a Step at a Time
We learn by moving step by step along our own paths in life. And writing, being an activity of reflection on a subject, offers us the opportunity to delve deeper and deeper into our own perceptions of how we see things. And that depth can be nothing more than a deeper feeling about an idea that you want to write about.
You must know something about your subject, look into it long enough so that you can play with the ideas that it throws up. Read, watch videos, ponder, and sleep on it. Then write a draft post that gives you a strong structured idea of what you’ve been thinking about. Once you have a post written as a draft, you can play around with it. You can cut and edit to your heart’s delight. You can make it great.
I recently read that a few years ago bloggers spent about thirty minutes writing a post. No wonder, the content didn’t really have to make sense, and the keywords, stuffed into the post like a fat Christmas turkey, was more important than the sense and meaning of the blog post being written. Today, it’s very different.
Google and other search engines have been working their behinds off for years now, trying their damndest to creates the type of bots that can read an article and recognise it as a well written, informative blog post that should be deemed readable by people searching for real knowledge. Well, that’s where we are today.
Bloggers spend much more time writing their posts than ever before. About 3 hours is average, today.
And that’s a good thing for people like you and me. You’re reading this because you care about your work, you are serious about building a great blog on a subject that is worth your time, and your reader’s time.
Putting the hours into the topic is part and parcel of writing about things.
What I’ve told you so far is about how to write a really good blog post. The points I covered are in the lines, and in between. I want you to begin to think about writing, and ask questions like, “what is writing, and how does it relate to blog writing?”. Is it different to writing a story? Is it the same as writing emails, letters, short sketchy ideas to attract someone’s attention? What writing is all about is the fundamental path that a blogger follows with questions. When they want to improve their abilities.
If it’s too much, then read a list of tips and just write and write until your fingers fall off. You will learn, but things might take longer for you to see improvements.
You must think about how you want to approach your readers. Are you selling something with copywriting? Are you creating content to attract readers, and raise their awareness in a company, or your ideas?
Or are you going to build your blog layer by layer, create a kernel idea about which you write, something that really grabs you by the balls and makes you get up in the morning? The last one will probably be the idea that keeps you going through the thick and thin of blogging.
How to write a great blog post isn’t something that everybody can do, immediately. It is something to learn and to practise each day. Just as much as the novelist must stay at the post and practise craft each day, so must a blogger.
So your topics and ideas that your blog revolves around is what will keep you moving.
It’ll be the one passionate thing in life that keeps you focused on writing blog posts each day.