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Saint Nikolaikirche in Berlin - Evening Light

Photos of Berlin City through the Winter Months

I have had a busy winter. Little time to write anything on Medium. That gave me thinking space to consider the questions, ‘what’s it all about?”, “Why continue writing…”. Not really good questions. Those type of thoughts always lead to ambiguous answers that roll on through the dark fields of ‘thought marshlands’. Places where we get bogged down in useless… Read More »Photos of Berlin City through the Winter Months

Creativity and Intentions for Artists and Makers

Creativity and Intentions for Artists and Makers

Everything we observe serves as a creators map, we choose a road and follow it, as we go, we discover our true intentions along the way. It’s the nature of creativity. We make choices from all the possibilities before us, and walk along a chosen path that might just take us somewhere intriguing. Artistic intention is the basis of our motivation.… Read More »Creativity and Intentions for Artists and Makers