The street is full. A cop car pulls up to the lights, my camera is at chest height and I peer above the roof of their vehicle. I’m standing on the curb. On the opposite side of the street I see a structure of shadows punctuated by spears of light. Colour Urban Street Photography Two people […]
Light and Shadows – Photography as Poetry
“Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality.” – Shawn Ashmore Photography is a very practical subject. It offers an outlet where a person can go let off steam and photograph anything they please in any way they like — all for good or bad. You might buy a camera, choose a good […]
Berlin Street Photography & Countryside Views — Photo Experiments
Photography has its own language — there is no need for words I started a YouTube channel a while ago. It got off to a good start. The thing that bothers me, is that YouTube is full of talking heads. I think the algorithm likes that, wants that: it’s also content that it can use […]
Berlin Street Photography Book | The Art of Creative Street Photography
Berlin Street Photography Book | The Art of Creative street Photography I’ve been a Berlin street photographer for at least 15 years. I’ve now finished my first Berlin Street Photography book. I’m never too rushed, or over enthusiastic to hit the “publish” button; I need to know that what I write and publish is going […]
7 Examples of Street Photography
7 examples of candid street photography. All of them taken in Berlin – even during the pandemic lockdown period. Each shot was taken with various cameras and lenses – I often experiment; but I do like the 50 mm lens for street photography. The 35 mm lens is great, but it requires a different mind-set. […]
Street Photography Secrets Discovered Along the Way
Street Photography Secrets that I know Observation along the street wakes up the mind. Street photography is not just about pointing a camera at interesting objects, it’s about capturing the moment. In order to do that, we need to have a mind set that is full of intention and desire. Street photography is full of […]